Your contribution will help us to:
Remain resilient while we await grant funding for multi-year projects in environmental justice
Work with our local community to find community-minded solutions to the impacts of climate change
Stand up for fair water usage in the Cuyama Valley where groundwater is being depleted at an alarming rate
Share our message of regenerative land stewardship far and wide to build a healthy future for all of us and for generations to come!
2023 Highlights
days of spring restoration work
hours chairing and attending water advocacy meetings
online course students
engagement events and garden work party days with the New Cuyama community
work traders mentored in regenerative agriculture
climate advocacy events tabled
Your contribution can make a significant impact in the underserved Cuyama Valley
could support the purchase of native plants essential for restoration work
could fund one student’s participation in an educational watershed hike
could help install a greywater system in the home of a local resident
could sponsor a bilingual water advocacy forum for the local community
advances the costly legal fight against extractive groundwater pumping