Quail Springs’ Jan Smith and Brenton Kelly are proud to be involved with the core working group that is helping to launch the newly formed Cuyama Valley Community Association, conceived in order “to build community among the residents of the Cuyama Valley, serve as a forum for discussing critical community issues, and advocate for the health and well being of the Cuyama Valley Community as a whole.”
In a recent article in CASA Magazine, Elena Richardson, from the Fund for Santa Barbara writes, “One of the top issues that the CVCA (Cuyama Valley Community Association) has identified is groundwater management. As the only western state that does not regulate groundwater pumping, California legislators are working to limit “Wild West” policies with bills that would force regional jurisdictions to play a bigger role in groundwater-pumping oversight. Last year, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) released a study indicating that groundwater in the Cuyama Valley is being depleted twice as fast as it naturally recharges.”